Sevak Khanaghyan was hosted at ASUE

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The start of the new semester was marked by an entertaining event for ASUE members. By the initiative of the SC, Sevak Khanaghyan, a beloved singer and composer, was hosted at ASUE. During the meeting the students had an opportunity to talk with him directly.

"I always enjoy meeting with the youth," Sevak Khanaghyan welcomed the students and urged them to be free.

The students are interested about the participation of Sevak in "Eurovision Song Contest", the peculiarities of the contest song, the singer's expectations, etc. "The singer's sincerity, the ability to convey the heartwarming message to audience is more important than the song's lyrics and music", said the artist.

Khanaghyan is the singer, who is proud of his nationality and emphasizes that no matter in which country he is living and creating, Armenians and Armenia have a special place in his life and he is always glad to be at homeland.

At the end of the meeting Sevak presented a part of the Eurovision song "Wind" and photographed with fans.

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