Koryun Atoyan's Congratulatory Message on Students and Youth Day

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We present the congratulatory message  of  Rector  of Armenian State  University of Economics on  Students  and Youth Day.

Dear  ASUE  students,

it’s  already several years  that  our  national calendar  has  enriched by another  beautiful holiday dedicated  to students and youth.

The basis of this officially celebrated holiday is the foundation of Yerevan State University.

Youth is the driving force of every society, the future of each State and the hope and support of sustainable future.

Young people are the first to touch the pulse of the ever-changing world, they should show the next milestone of our country’s development. This  is  the reason  to  realize the  importance  of  having literate, educated, patriotic youth.

Dear  students,

in the present Era of Globalization,  when  a person is “the citizen of the World”, we face new challenges. Today’s youth, today’s  students  should attach importance to high quality education, should  face all possible  opportunities of  self-development,  upgrades and training,  which are fully given  today.

Today, the  only way  of the person’s  and the  State’s  progress  is  to be competitive. Higher education  remains a high value for those, who know the role of education in our nation.

Armenian State  University of  Economics provides education continuing sustainable traditions and new developments.  It is  changing day  by day; trying to improve  education quality, at the  same  time, not forgetting about modernization.

We all need to reform our environment with the good intention and consciousness, that it’s our educational institution, and the  knowledge gained  here paves the way to a “Big life” – way of professional development and career achievements.

I  congratulate  you  on Students  and Youth Day, wishing health, personal happiness and  family welfare.

KORYUN ATOYAN, ASUE Rector, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Professor

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