ASUE “Teachers Cup 2018” Championship was Summed up

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ASUE "Teachers Cup 2018" championship was summed up today with the awarding ceremony. Annual Championship, initiated by the ASUE Chair of Physical Training, Emergency  Situations and Civil Defense took place from January 29 to February 8. It united more than 250 lecturers from 13 Armenian Universities. The teachers’ teams competed in shooting, table tennis, chess and volleyball. Those who took 1st - 3rd places were awarded cups, diplomas, as well as special gifts from the management of ASUE.

ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, head of ASUE Chair of Physical Training, Emergency situations and Civil Defense, Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Vice President of Student Sport Federation of RA Razmik Stepanyan, General Secretary of Armenian Volleyball Federation Karen Asmaryan, lecturers, journalists and sport-lovers were present at the awarding ceremony. Rector Koryun Atoyan, Hovhannes Gabrielyan and Razmik Stepanyan had congratulatory speeches. Later presents were awarded to winners. Thus, YSU won the 1st place in the shooting championship, 2 was YSMU, the third was the NPUA. The 1-3 places in the chess championship was taken by ASPU, YSU, ARU teams. Table Tennis Championship winners are ARU, ASPU, NPUA. The best teams in volleyball are YSU, ANAU, ASUE.

Rector Koryun Atoyan presented certificates of appreciation to the teams that have participated in the championship.  At the end of the ceremony Karen Asmaryan awarded Rector Koryun Atoyan with a Volleyball Federation Medal for supporting the popularization of volleyball.

The championship was in the focus of the ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, so we presented you beautiful moments of the event.

Congratulations to the winners and participants and organizers.

 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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