Admission Process for the 2017-2018 Academic Year: the First Entrant Applied

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Admission process for the 2017-2018 academic year at Armenian State University of Economics has  started. The  first  stage  of admission process /full-time Bachelor’s degree/  will  last from May 5 to June 1.

ASUE Admission Committee  starts work early in the morning. This year, unlike previous years, the University of Economics carries out admission  of 11 specialties. More information on specialties, tuition fees, required documents is available - Vadim Grigoryan, is the Executive  Secretary of the Committee.

Today, the first entrant applied – Karine Malkhasyan, pupil of high school after Artak Ohanyan, Aragatsotn. She  mentioned  that she  always  gets information on our  University  via the official Facebook page, and  her  brother is ASUE  student.

P.S. ASUE  Admission Committee (Department of Finance) works every day, 9-00-17-00 (Except on May 7, 9 and 14).

Address: 128 Nalbandyan str., 0025 Yerevan, Tel: 593 473,

32  V.  Sargsyan str., Gyumri, Tel: 00374 312 25410,

4 Vayk str.,  Eghegnadzor, Tel:  00374 281 25410.

More information -

Necessary information for entrant: booklet -էջեր-220//անհրաժեշտ-տեղեկատվություն-հպտհ-դիմորդների-համար-բուկլետ-3210.

Good luck to all entrants.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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