Final Attestation Process at ASUE (photos)

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Today,  final attestation process of full-time Bachelor’s degree starts. ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division visited auditoriums where students presented their graduate work.

Full-time Bachelor’s degree students of International Economic Relationwere testing the presentations of their research work since early in the morning.

Bella Gabrielyan, Senior Researcher of the RA NAS M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, is the Chairman of final attestation committee of Marketing specialty.

Hayser Gasparyan, Head of Division of Financial Planning of Target Loan and Grant Funds Received from External Sources of the RA Ministry of Finance, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, is the Chairman of  final attestation committee of Finance specialty.

Narek Sargsyan, Head of  Financial System Forecasting Division of the RA CB Financial System Stability and Development Department, PhD in Economics, is the Chairman of  final attestation committee of Banking specialty.

Andranik Khachatryan, Financial Director of “MAP” CJSC, is the Chairman of  final attestation committee of Audit and Economic Analysis specialties.

Levon Ghonyan, Director of “Yerevan-Audit Consult” CJSC, Certified Auditor, is Chairman of  final attestation committee of Accounting specialty. Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of Science  and  International Relations, also attended the presentation of graduate work of this specialty.

Presentation of  graduate work of full-time Bachelor’s  and Master’s degree will continue till May 26,  and the one of  part-time Bachelor’s degree will start on May 29.

Good luck to graduate students.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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