Co workers of the Chair of Statistics congratulate their colleague's 80th anniversary

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On February 5, Valery Alexanyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Chair of Statistics, celebrates his 80th anniversary. So the staff of the chair headed by the head of the chair, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Armen Ktoyan congratulated the jubilee.

With his curious, hard-working temperament he has been in the field of scientific research, in teaching and pedagogical activity and is included in the list of professors of our university who do their job dignifiedly, heartly, surprisingly modest and seemingly unobtrusive, but with boundless love and devotion.

Valery Alexanyan with his dignity, restraint, zeal and responsibility continues to fulfill his mission as a scientist, lecturer, teacher and educator, passing his experience and wisdom to our university students, colleagues from the chair, also performing duties of the member of the Scientific-Methodological Council and Competition Certification Commission of the National Statistical Service of RA. Valery Alexanyan confirms the real title of a lecturer and a highly qualified specialist with his rich experience and working activity.

We sincerely congratulate our dear colleague on the occasion of the 80th birthday and the 50th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical activity. We wish health, endurance and endless vigor, long fruitful years of creative life and new achievements on the way to accomplish its honorable mission.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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