Consumer Rights Protection: Future Commodity Researchers Study

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A system, where activities of governmental and non-governmental organizations are aimed at regulation of the legal relationship between the consumer and the business entity-that’s protection of consumer rights.

March 15 is  celebrated as World Consumer Rights Day.

Today, the professional holiday was marked by a measure organized for  future commodity researchers, during which vulnerable issues  referring to food commodity research and non-food commodity research, current problems on consumer rights were discussed.

ASUE Chair of Commerce  and Business Organization invited Mileta Aristakesyan, Vice President of National Association of Consumers, and Anna Nahapetyan, Vice President on Foreign Relations of the same organization, the meeting was attended by professors, 2nd-3rd year students.

This  was a  discussion during which everybody asked questions, as we are all consumers, and future commodity researchers are mostly interested in.

Anna Nahapetyan introduced  who are the “consumer” and his/her main rights. Then spoke about the history of the International Association of Consumers, membership of Armenia to it, main directions of its mission and activity. The International Association is operated under certain slogan. It’s interesting  that it has adopted “Consumers’ Protection in the Digital World” slogan for this year. Mileta Aristakesyan answered students’ questions.

While interviewing Armenuhi Hovhannisyan, Associate Professor of the Chair, mentioned  that the 2nd year students study “Consumers’ Rights”  and the acquired knowledge is strengthen by attending such kind of measures.

Dear customers,

Be informed, demand and be able to stand up for your rights.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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