ASUE Students Visited Vanadzor Orphanage

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ASUE Student Council always has social oriented events and this time, on the Armenian Army day our students visited Vanadzor orphanage to celebrate the day with the future soldiers.

The President of ASUE  SC  Hovhannes Harutyunyan mentioned that children who are deprived of parental care are full members of society are the future soldiers of the country, the citizens, the students, the future and we must to do every possible thing so that they can feel our constant presence by their side, our attention and care.

The importance of such events is also pointed out by the director of the orphanage, saying that the children feel the warmth and attention by the society.

ASUE members were not empty-handed, the children were delighted with the songs and dances, surprise games and gifts. On the occasion of the Army Day, students and children together cut a symbolic cake and wished peace to our country.

Photos from Student Council.

ASUE Media  and  Public  Relations  Division

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