Rest in peace Levon Vardanyan. His memory will remain bright in our hearts

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Renowned scientist, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Rector of Yerevan Institute of National Economy from 1984 to1991 and long years Professor, Levon Yeghishe Vardanyan died in the 92nd year of his life.

ASUE Rectorate Board expresses deep condolences to Levon Vardanyan’s family, friends and relatives. We lost a man, a scientist, educator and citizen, who was an embodiment of nobility, courteous, dignified, honest and generous. He left his indispensable contribution to the education and upbringing of generations and was a wonderful example for his colleagues and students.

Levon Vardanyan’s requiem will be held today at Khaghagh Don str. 2/14 at 18:00-20:00.

ASUE Rectorate Board

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