Partners Team is Supplemented: ASUE Representatives Go on Visiting Schools

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The framework of cooperation between high schools and our University is expanding. Today ASUE representatives-the Project Coordinator, Lecturer of the Chair of Languages Lusine Karagulyan and Vice Dean of the Department of Management Mary Badalyan visited secondary schools  of Kanakeravan and after Rubik Baghdasaryan, Zovuni, and strengthened the starting collaboration by memorandums.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division talked to Lusine Karagulyan and she told about the visits, outlined plans for new cooperation.

The first visit was to school of Kanakeravan, where our professors met pupils of high school, submitted detailed information on ASUE specialties, educational programs.  Special reference was made to ASUE Financial and Economic College. Mary Badalyan presented the admission procedures. Then pupils were interested in the tuition fees, discounts. At the  end of the meeting a cooperation memorandum was signed with the Director Gohar Karapetyan and then future measures were outlined.

ASUE  representatives congratulated the re-elected Director of the  school in Zovuni Vardan Ghazaryan, then signed a memorandum and met the 9th-12th form pupils. It’s worthy to mention that after the presentations majority of pupils mentioned that they would like to study at ASUE (those who raised hands, picture N2).

Mary Badalyan mentioned  that they have drawn special attention on new specializations and their admission procedures.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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