ASUE 17 Students will Study in Abroad by “Erasmus+” Program: Meeting with the University Leadership

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The  2nd  semester of the 2016-2017 academic  year is  unique  for  ASUE 17  students- those (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD), who have passed the competition of “Erasmus+” program will study in European Universities.

Today, ASUE  Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice Rector of  Science  and International Relations Gagik Vardanyan, Vice  Rector of Educational-Methodological Matters Paruir Kalantaryan, Deans and Vice Deans, staff  of  ASUE  Foreign Relations Division met  the  outgoing students  and  their  parents.

Rector  Koryun Atoyan congratulated the  students  and  their  parents  on behalf  of the  University Leadership, Faculty staff, noting that objectively high-performing  students and those  who  passed  English competition  have  been selected.

“Studying in abroad  you’ll have the opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of European Universities, to compare it with our University, as well as to present the Armenian culture”; the  Rector  said, at the  same  time  highlighting the  fact of  having  such high-performing  students.

Vice  Rectors,  staff  of  Foreign Relations Division  introduced a number of organizational issues.  Paruir  Kalantaryan clarified the issue of mutual recognition of credits and substantive differences.

Vice Rector  of Science  and International  Relations  Gagik Vardanyan highlighted that the  program enables students to become  aware  of the  experience  of European leading Universities. Summing  up ASUE  activities  within frames  of  “Erasmus+”  program the Vice  Rector mentioned  that great  work  has  been done  and the  frames  of partner  Universities  will be expanded in future.

Head of Foreign Relations Division Vard Ghukasyan drew  attention to a  number of procedural issues  and the necessary clarifications.

Collaborator  of  the  same  Division, PhD  Margarita Marukyan, who  is  also “Erasmus+” beneficiary  and  has recently  returned  from abroad, gave  some tips  to outgoing  students. Deans  wished the  students  good luck  and success.

Koryun Atoyan summed  up  the meeting congratulating the  students  once  more  and  expressed  hope  that they  would  return with new knowledge, culturally enhanced.

Good luck  and  effective  study  to  our  students.


ASUE  Media and Public Relations  Division 

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