17th Sport Games Were Over: ASUE Girls Volleyball Team as a Winner

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The RA Universities students 17th republican sport games launched in spring were summed up on December 2 by girls volleyball championship. ASUE girls volleyball team won the 3rd prize.

Coach of the team, Professor  at  the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense Simon Hakobyan mentioned  that our team had demonstrated beautiful games during the championship and recorded victories.

Head of the Chair  of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense Hovhannes Gabrielyan considered our University participation in the 17th republican games a  successful  one.

“ASUE has won prizes in various championships (swimming, chess, judo and etc.).  Our students have actively participated in sport games dedicated to the RA 25th anniversary (organized by Armenia Student Sport Federation), futsal team won the first prize.  On December 11 futsal team will participate in “Super Cup” championship, and will compete with the team of Institute of Physical Culture”; said the Head of the Chair.

Note, that the RA Universities students  republican games are conducted by Youth Foundation of Armenia, the RA MES and Armenia Student Sport Federation.

Congratulations to all winners and wish success to our athletes.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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