New Handbook: “Finance: Tests and Tasks”

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New handbook “Finance: Tests and Tasks” for students of economics specialty, as well as for persons engaged in professional activities in finance area has been published  by edition and leadership of Asot Salnazaryan, Head of the Chair of Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.

Lecturers of the mentioned Chair Lukashen Badanyan (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor),  Sergey Sukiasyan  (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor), Gor Chatinyan, Vahan Baghdasaryan, Armine Nersisyan, Armenuhi Mheryan, Karine Mikayelyan, Armenuhi Schyan (Candidates of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors),  Mane Matevosyan  (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor) participated in tests’  and tasks’ preparing processor.

The  handbook is available in ASUE Library.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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