Yuri Hovakanyan's "Philosophy and History of Science and Technology" Book was Published

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Associate Professor at the ASUE  Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, Ph.D. in philosophy Yuri Hovakanyan offers the reader his "Philosophy and History of Science and Technology" book, published by ASUE Scientific Board’s decision at the ASUE "Tntesaget" publishing house.

It is a brief summary of the author's lectures, which are being  read to our University PhD students for many years.

 “As a result of over more than thirty-five years of searches and generalizations in the fields of  problems of science and technology, their patterns of development and social consequences, scientific traditions, inheritance, innovation, scientific research methodology and moral responsibility of a scientist, this work is addressed to students, post-graduate students, professors and general people, who are interested in the mentioned issues”- is mentioned in the introduction of the above mentioned book.

The reviewers are the head of the Chair of Philosophy and Armenian History, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Aram Sargsyan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the same Chair, Suren Sargsyan, the responsible editor is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Valeri Mirzoyan. The responsible editor notes the following message: "... I consider this essay as a unique “bridge” between the  author and the addressees of his ideas - young scientists. On one side of the bridge are those who make the first steps in science, on the other side, the rich world of thoughtful philosopher, skilled pedagogue, exploring researcher".

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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