ASUE Rector Is Awarded Appreciation Certificated by Rostov State Economic University

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Our University Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Koryun Atoyan is awarded appreciation certificate in recognition of great contribution of the students and professors of Armenian State University of Economics to the 6th International Summer Economic School of ASECU Youth held from September, 12 till September, 17, 2016 in Rostov-Don (Rostov State Economic University).

Receiving the appreciation certificate the University Rector highlighted that he attached great importance to  our students’ participation in projects organized in international platforms. “I especially highlight the presentation of scientific works, as the development of scientific-research direction is one the priorities established in our University”, stressed Koryun Atoyan.

Note, that the 3rd year students of International Economic Relations specialty, ASUE, Harutyun Melkonyan  and Martin Movsisyan participated in the mentioned conference presenting reports on “Agriculture and Food Security”  and “Poverty: Stable solutions”.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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