The 90th Anniversary of Prominent Economist Norayr Manaseryan was Celebrated at ASUE

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Today, the 90th anniversary of prominent economist Norayr Manaseryan was  celebrated at  ASUE Conference Hall  by  Rectorate Board’s  initiative. The event  was  attended  by intellectuals, academics, scientists, colleagues, his PhD students, members  of  ASUE  Academic staff, as well as scientist  of  ASUE  Chair  of Theory of Economics.

The jubilee session opened ASUE  Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, expressing gratitude  to the  guests for  being present at this memorial and appreciation initiative, spoke about the prominent scientist's activities and human characteristics, then gave the floor to the attendees: Ishkhan Khlghatyan, Professor of the Chair of Theory of Economics, Grisha Gharibyan, a correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences,  Gagik Abrahamyan, Bagrat Asatryan, the  former Chairman of the CB, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor, Atom Margaryan, PhD student  of  Norayr Manaseryan, Associate Professor  of the  Chair  of  Theory of Economics, PhD in Economics,  Hayk Sargsyan, Dean of the  Faculty of Economics  and Management of YSU, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor, Samvel Avetisyan, Senior  Researcher  of ASUE “AMBERD” Research Center, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor, Maksim Sargsyan, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor, Larisa Alaverdyan, Former Ombudsman of RA, Ashot Yeghiazaryan, Associate Professor  of the  Chair of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities, Doctor  of Sciences, told about their memories of the outstanding scientist, appreciated his scientific merits and contribution to the education and upbringing of generations.

A video was also shown.

Tatul Manaseryan, son of  Norayr  Manaseryan, Doctor  of  Sciences, Professor, summed  up the  event expressing gratitude to those present and his dad for his inheritance.

He also suggested Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, to award students a prize of Norayr Manaseryan for their best economic research, thus encouraging young people.

Koryun Atoyan gladly responded to this suggestion and then concluded the meeting, pointing out; "If a person is remembered, he is just living."




ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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