ASUE Employees Participated in Conference of “PEOPLE” Project

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Conference on “Strategic Management of Human Resources. Experiences and Trends” in the frames of  Promoting Educational Organisation through people  (PEOPLE)  project was held in Ilia State University in Tbilisi on September  21, which was attended by the project coordinator, Head of Quality Assurance Division Nerses Gevorgyan, project researchers: Head of Human  Resource  Management  Division Gohar Sargsyan  and leading specialist of Quality Assurance Division Ani Baghdasaryan.

Gohar Sargsyan mentioned  that Arina Bekchyan, Head of Human  Resource  Management Division in American University of Armenia, delivered a report on behalf of the Armenian partners of the project.

“It was remarkable that the conference was held on the day of the 25th anniversary of the RA Independence, and  our partners congratulated us on this wonderful occasion”, said Head of ASUE Human  Resource  Management  Division.

The next meeting of the project partners is planned to be held in Armenia in October, 2016.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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