Preparation of Graduation Work: Presentation at the 4th year of IER

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The 4th year  students  of international economic relations specialty gave  a presentation on additional research work. Karmen Grigoryan, Assistant Professor  of the above  mentioned Chair, PhD in Economics, initiated  the  presentation  and instructed the  students to study the areas of information technology in India and Israel, to compare it with the Armenian one  and to develop recommendations for the development of the RA.

The students were divided into two groups and studied  the  above  mentioned  topics  during one semester and Grigor  Nazaryan, Dean of the  Department, assisted them greatly.

The  presentation was  attended  by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and  International Relations, Grigor  Nazaryan, Dean of  the  Department of  Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, Diana  Galoyan, acting  Chair  of International Economic Relations,  and  the  staff of the mentioned Chair.

First  the  researchers touched upon Armenia's IT sector, characterized the current situation, state events and development trends, export image, revealed key issues. Then  they  referred  to Israel  and India  highlighting the features and describing the potential.

The majority of the research was a comparative analysis with Armenia. The choice of India and Israel was not accidental: these countries have a number of economic similarities. Observing the advantages of Indian and Israel experience, future economist-internationalists have presented a number of recommendations that can be useful for promoting our country's IT industry.

Karmen Grigoryan  stated that the  additional research activity prepares students for the defense of graduation works, directing them to work competently, as well as presenting the work to the audience properly.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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