ASUE Representatives Attended the Presentation of a New Model of University-employer Cooperation

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Karen Grigoryan,  the  Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor  and Aida Arustamyan, Head of Lifelong Education and Career Division, attended the presentation  of a new  model of University-employer cooperation developed  by National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA) on December 25, at Yerevan State University of Languages  and Social Sciences.

Lecturers  and representatives of Career  Division  of  a  number of Universities attended the meeting.  Ruben Topchyan, Director of ANQA,  presented the model.

Karen Grigoryan informs, that the proposed model assumes intermediate contact between the employer and the lecturer, when the head of the professional chair holds regular meetings with employers, identifies their needs and requirements, and makes them accessible through video materials, allowing them to review the teaching and assessment methodology and profession educational programs.

The independent expert also has a great role in the implementation of the proposed model, who is aware of model principles, has an experience of developing and implementing educational programs. An independent expert holds the meetings. The model has been successfully tested in the  areas of informational technologies, law and pedagogy, on the initiative of ANQA -  in translation field.

At the end of the meeting ASUE representatives expressed their opinion on the new model and actively participated in the discussion. It was decided to hold such kind of  meetings in the future with beneficiaries, as well as trainings for the development of University-employer cooperation.

ASUE Media and Public Relation Division 

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