Final reports of SEG: the role of TT in the RA was presented

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During this month,  ASUE  SEG  of  2015-2016 present  the  final results  of  their  research in the form of final reports.

Today, “Think tanks” in the current political processes” SEG presented  their  research, which  operates under the supervision of Vardan Atoyan,  Deputy Executive Director at “Noravank” Foundation, Candidate  in Economics, Associate Professor.  The presentation was attended by Samvel Avetisyan, Director  of “AMBERD”  research  center,  collaborators of  the  center, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of  Science  Division, representatives  of  Faculty staff, members  of SEG.

Khoren Mkhitaryan welcomed  the attendees acclaiming  the start  of final  reports  of  SEG.  Vardan Atoyan presented  the  key areas of research, stressing  that  particular  importance  was  attached  to study  of  the  role  of Armenian TT centers and in this  regard, the  research is unprecedented, as there is  no relevant research.

The members  of  “Think tanks” in the current political processes” SEG  are Sofia  Ohanyan, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor , Chair of  Political Science and Law   and Arpine Malkdjyan,  lecturer of the  same  Chair.  

Sofia  Ohanyan  briefly presented the group’s  work. She referred  to key directions  of  the  research, spoke  about study criteriaofArmenian TT centers, reasons for the formation of the  RA think tanks, development stages (5 stages  were  distinguished), referred  to  distribution  according to foundation date, classification (university, public, private, etc.),  job specifications.

Among the conclusions, the speaker mentioned that  the number of  TT is  growing, which  is  due  to  demand.

The SEG  suggested: the  RA  TT  should seek to become internal  participants  of political  debates,  should fulfill educational functions, should enter  market of  ideas  and  etc.

It’s  remarkable, that the  group suggests  to invest  “Think tanks” in the current political processes”  course in MA programs, which  will  enable to  study  the  Western experience  and to localize it  in the  RA.

At  the  end  of  the  report, the attendees came up with questions, discussion  was  held.

Summarizing the seminar, Khoren Mkhitaryan mentioned  that the  group had  conducted remarkable and comprehensive research.


ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  Division 

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