ASUE “Tntesaget” sport-health resort is going to host students and collaborators

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Hakob Kyokchyan,   Head  of sport-health resort, lecturer  at the  Chair  of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, told  ASUE  Media  and Public  Relations  division   that  improvements in the resort have  started 3 weeks  ago,  and  the sale of tickets will begin on June 13.

P.S. the  camp will  work with four relays: from  the  5th to the  17th of  July, from the   18th  to  the 30th  of July, from the  31st of July  to the 12nd of August,  from the 13rd to the  25th of  August. The trip for ASUE  workers  costs 35.000 AMD and  40.000AMD  for their  family   members.  You  can  buy  tickets from ASUE  Accounting Division.



ASUE Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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