9 winners of “Level-up”

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Authors  of  9  reports presented during the “Level Up” international student conference  initiated by  ASUE Student Council and the Youth Foundation of Armenia became  winners. Yesterday,  the  jury  summed up the  results: 1  student  from Tbilisi  State University, 2 ASUE  foreign  students, 6 ASUE  students. 

“The global financial market and Armenia” section:

1.Mary Eghiazaryan

2.hayk Grigoryan

3.Anna  Avetisyan

“Economics, for better economy: section:

1.Tamara Shengelian (Tbilisi State University)

2.nelson Nat

3.Marieta Baghdasaryan

“Problems of economic development in the South Caucasus”

1.Zaven Khukeyan

2.Albert Hayrapetyan

3. Hayyan Aldela

ASUE  Rector  Koryun Atoyan, Sevak Khachartyan, Vice Rector  on Students  and  Alumni Affairs  and Sevak Khachatryan, President of  Student  Council, awarded  the  winners.

ASUE  Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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