Co-authored article by ASUE representatives as a winner of the international competition

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Scientific article  authored by  Ashot  Matevosyan, Dean of  the  Department of Accounting  and  Audit, Doctor in Economics, Professor,  and  Mane Matevosyan, Candidate in Economics, Assistant Professor  at  the  Chair  of  Finance,  won the  2nd  prize  in 3rd  international  competition of  research  works, “Science Perspectives -2016”.

The  competition was online, the  articles  were sent  to the appropriate organization  with clear criteria, and  the  best  ones  were  selected. The  competition was  organized  by Kazan Scientific Center “Knowledge” (“Знание”).

Ashot Matevosyan said that he had received invitations from organizers. The  English article  was  sent  online, the  results  were summed up on May 5. Students, MA students, PhDs, young  scholars also participated  in it. He  also  mentioned  that articles  authored  by ASUE  PhDs  Alla  Harutyunyan  and  Ani  Mirzoyan  were  also  presented, although their articles hadn’t won prizes, but would be published in the appropriate handbook.

The  results of  the  competition is  available in official  website  of  the  center:

Congratulations  to the  authors  and  wish them new  achievements.

ASUE Media and Public  Relations  Division 

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