International activity, practice organization and a number of other issues at Scientific Board session

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Today, ASUE Scientific Board, headed by Koryun Atoyan, Rector, Doctor in Economics, Professor, convened a regular session.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of  Science  and  International Relations  reported on the first issue  of  the  agenda “The state of international activities and tasks”, noting in particular  that huge efforts have been done towards internationalization, an unprecedented number of exchange programs  have  launched. The  Vice Rector referred to the mobility of students, number of  foreign students, the  students’  and  professors’ involvement  in exchange programs,  number of ASUE professors  left abroad on purpose  of teaching and research, indexes for assessing international reputation  of  the  University, the    level of  developing communication with national auditorium adverting the University official website visits, which, according to the Vice Rector, have a  dynamic growth. Gagik Vardanyan also  referred  to problems, particularly emphasizing the insufficient level of foreign language knowledge,  small number of foreign students, the  fact of educational programs  not being passed international certification and accreditation  and etc.

Questions were raised, discussion were held. As a result Scientific Board considered the University work towards the development of international activities satisfactory.

 Sevak  Khachatryan, Vice Rector on Students  and Alumni Affairs, reported  on “The  state  of organization of educational, academic and research practices  and tasks  of dean offices  and  chairs”.  The  Vice Rector  underlined the  fact  of enlarging  cooperation with organizations, informing that the  number of state  and  private organizations cooperating with ASUE has reached about 100, stressing that practice  for 2274 students  have  been organized  this  year, referred  to problems  of organizing the  process  and content problems.

Scientific Board assessed the done  work satisfactory. The issues  of  awarding the title  of  professor to Davit  Hakhverdyan (Associate  Professor, Doctor in Economics at the  Chair  of International Economic Relations)  and the  title  of  Associate Professor  to Hranush Gabrielyan (Assistant Professor, Candidate in Economics at the Chair  of Microeconomics and Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities) were put to a closed secret vote and unanimously approved. These were  presented  by Suren Gevorgyan, President of  Competition Commission, Head of the  Chair  of Environmental Economics, Doctor, Professor.

Other current  issues of  the  agenda were also  discussed  at  the  session.

After  covering the  agenda  issues Paruir Kalantaryan presented the issue  of organizing the 16-week semester, stressing  that this’s done in order to exclude absences.  Scientific Board  approved  the  proposal, and  more  information will be  presented  soon.


ASUE Media  and Public  Relations  Division

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