New publications from ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch

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ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch has published a methodological manual entitled "Statistical analysis of economic problems by using SPSS package" and a research work on "Evaluation of socio-economic indicators in RA by using SPSS package".

The authors of the methodological manual are candidate of sciences, associate professors Sos Khachikyan, Armen Ktoyan, Manuk Movsisyan and Karen Hakobyan.

The research work on "Evaluation of socio-economic indicators in RA by using SPSS package" was conducted by candidates of sciences Arpine Hovakimyan, Hayk Hakobyan, lecturer Anna Sahradyan, graduate student Narek Saratikyan, intern Mary Khachatryan, and a number of students.

Congratulations to the authors.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.