Karol Karski at ASUE: the lecture was devoted to Raphael Lemkin the author of the term Genocide

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Head of the department of international law at the University of Warsaw, Professor at the Warsaw University of Humanities, associate at the Department of Human Rights and European Law, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Karol Karski today delivered an open lecture on "Raphael Lemkin, the author of the term “Genocide”” at ASUE. ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, deans, heads of chairs, representatives of faculty, staff, students and guests attended the lecture. ASUE Foreign Relations Division organized the meeting.

Before the lecture, Koryun Atoyan hosted the guest in his office, briefly presented the activities of the University, and expressed gratitude for the lecture. Professor Karol Karski, in his turn, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to deliver a lecture at ASUE. They also touched upon the prospects for cooperation.

During the lecture Karol Karski mentioned that it was a great honor for him to give lectures at ASUE, which had a high reputation in the Republic. Explaining the term genocide, the speaker also presented it from the point of international law. Reference was made to Raphael Lemkin's life and work, especially to his essential role in Prevention of the Crime of Genocide and in establishment of the Convention on the punishment of Genocide.

The speaker stressed the similarity between the Armenian and Polish peoples: both have seen Genocides. He expressed his conviction that the Poles admire the claim of Armenians, which did not allow international community to forget the genocide of the Armenians.

The audience asked questions to the speaker. Vice-Rector Gagik Vardanyan handed a souvenir to the guest and thanked him for the interesting lecture.

Felix Bakhchinyan - the president of the Nansen Fridtjof Fund was also present at the meeting. He awarded Professor Karol Karski with a gold medal.

 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.