ASUE Researcher Attended One-month-scientific and Educational Program in Russia

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Astghik Hovhannisyan, researcher of ASUE AMBERD research center attended scientific and educational program within the framework of “Developing a Modern EAEU  Development Paradigm in the Context of Global Challenges” project initiated by Eurasian Economic Commission and "Higher School of Economics" National Research University from November 15 to December 15 in Russia.
Note, ASUE is included in this program coordinated by the Chair of International Economic Relations. Young researchers and scholars from 5 member-countries of EAEU (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Russia) conducted depth analysis and prepared extensive report on "EAEU Vision through Scientific and Educational Community Eyes" strengthening the structure’s vision, integration relations and made suggestions.
Astghik Hovhannisyan noted that all sectors of the economy of member countries had been observed, the economic priorities of the countries and the opportunities for expanding cooperation had been considered in their report. Suggestions had been worked out for 2019-2025 and 2025-2045. Participants of the program listened to reports of EAEU officials every day, reflecting the structure’s activity, the outcome, the tasks and development prospects.
“The meeting with Tigran Sargsyan, the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, was noteworthy, during which we listened to his speech on EAEU activities and asked questions, presented our observations”; ASUE researcher mentioned.
The Eurasian Economic Commission has accepted the preliminary version of the report and instructed the researchers to submit a refined version in the near future.
The young co-authors of the analytical report were awarded certificates at the end of the program.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division