Open Door Day at ASUE

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On November 14, the first Open Door Day of 2023/2024 academic year was held in the auditorium 315 of ASUE Faculty of Management, which was attended by high school students of Yerevan and RA provinces, as well as college students.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan has welcomed the future applicants. “If you are keen on becoming the best specialists, you should choose the field you love, because only under these circumstances you will become a high-flying specialist”.

Arev Manukyan, President of ASUE Student Council has also welcomed the applicants.

During the meeting, the students introduced 11 specialties functioning at the university and future job opportunities to the applicants. Our students who have already studied abroad introduced the procedure for applying to international programs, as well as peculiarities of living and studying abroad to future applicants.

Photo series are on ASUE Facebook page.