Open Lecture on Creating Impressive Brand

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Today, regular extracurricular open lecture on professional topic was held for the students of Marketing and Business Organization, conducted by Arman Arzumanyan, the founder of “Brandon Agency” marketing company, ASUE alumni.

The meeting was attended by Vadim Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Marketing, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Lilit Kolyan, Lilit Dadayan, Associate Professors of the same Chair, Aida Arustamyan, Head of Lifelong Education and Career Division.

Vadim Grigoryan welcomed the attendees and introduced Arman Arzumanyan, underlining that he was one of the leading students of the Economic University, was the best one in the years of his studies. The Head of the Chair informed that an agreement was reached with the specialist to hold such ongoing meetings.

First, introduction to the brand essence, branding features, then issues on consumer loyalty, positioning the product in the market were presented.

Based on his experience, the marketing specialist submitted information on creating an impressive brand under rapidly changing trends, in particular by combining knowledge on branding, marketing, public relations, and other areas.

Active question-and-answers and games provided an interactive format for holding the lecture.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division