Open lesson as an effective work format

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The 4th year students of the ASUE Department of Management of Crisis Management specialization within the frames of "International Economic Relations" course held an open lesson on "The Place and Role of Developed and Developing Countries in the Global Economy System". Lecturer of the subject, Associate Professor of ASUE International Economic Relations chair Lusine Aghajanyan divided students into six groups and they spoke about the economic activity indicators and economic peculiarities of Japan, Germany, USA, Russia, Canada and Great Britain. It is noteworthy that the students prepared for the open lesson with great enthusiasm and responsibility. Nelly Shahnazaryan, Head of the Chair of Tourism and Crisis Management, Gagik Aslanyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Management, the lecturer of the subject and students of other specialties were present at the open lesson. The open lesson once again reaffirmed that this format of practical work was effective and a unique incentive for students to work independently and to speak freely from the tribune.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division