Self-sacrifice, struggle and ingenuity: our student-soldiers tell about it

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On January 28, RA celebrates the formation of the armed forces, the Army Day. 31 years ago the guarantor of our independence and homeland security, the regular Armenian Army was built.

After receiving its baptism and getting strong and professional in the days of the first Artsakh war, the foundations of our army were again tested on September 27, 2020: in order to face the large-scale attack of Azerbaijan, to protect borders of our motherland, the Armenian army again stood up.

The echoes of this cruel war are still in our hearts, souls and thoughts, we commemorate our immortal heroes, our heroic soldiers and are proud of the young people being recruited and released from their obligation to serve in the national army day after day, and a huge number of ASUE students and graduates are among them.

All of them are in the center of attention of university leadership, professors and students of the university, and this topic is continuously covered under the rubric ”Winners of the War” of ASUE blog.

In September 2022, the university welcomed the young people of the generation that mostly participated in the 44-day war of 2020.

Today, just before the Army Day, our gratitude and pride are with our student-soldiers who strengthen the army, and we would like to introduce three more portraits of soldiers who took part in the war and were demobilized in the fall 2022, their brief biographies and one remarkable episode from their army service.

For more detailed information, please see the Armenian Version.