Partnership Which Launched by a Grant Competition

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University of Economics expands the range of its partners at the core of which is the implementation of new programs and initiatives to the student benefit. Our new partner is "Stamina" sales outsourcing company. Today, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and Founder-Director of the company Vahagn Ghazaryan signed a memorandum of cooperation.

The start of the cooperation was marked by the announcement of a grant competition for training sales specialists in the service sector. The parties expressed hope that long-term and multifaceted cooperation (organization of practical lessons, internship, trainings, etc.) will be developed.

"We are interested in the quality of education, the ultimate goal is for the student to leave ASUE satisfied and competitive. In the last 2 years we have achieved some success, the evidence of which is that we are the second University in Armenia with the number of applicants. Therefore, in all cooperation, we highlight its impact on the quality of education"; Diana Galoyan stated.

Vahagn Ghazaryan assured that the outcomes of the forthcoming joint work will be satisfactory.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division