Professor’s salary at ASUE will increase to 530000 RA drams from September 1

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Armenian State University of Economics will increase the salary of its academic staff from September 1, 2022.

Professors of the university working full-time will get 530000 RA drams (increase of 24%), associate professors will get 420000 RA drams (increase of 14%), and senior lecturers and lecturers will get respectively 380000 and 350000 RA drams.

This salary increase of professors and associate professors will allow us to involve the best specialists meanwhile motivating young specialists to do research and scientific works. University of Economics enables its lecturers to get monthly up to 250000 RA drams while being included in the research teams of ASUE Amberd Research Center and implementing research for the RA state governance needs.

The University of Economics has also increased the salary of its administrative staff by 5%.