Informational lesson at ASUE devoted to ES employee days

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ASUE Chair of Physical Education, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense traditionally took part in the events devoted to ES employee days. Siranush Harutyunyan, associate professor of the above-mentioned chair devoted her lecture to reinforce students’ knowledge in the sphere of emergency situations and use it later practically to first-year students majoring Finance.

They got familiar with emergency situations and how population should be defended during military operations, types of dangers, mechanisms to decrease the vulnerability of population and territories.

“MES is capable of solving everyday problems and overcome new challenges in our country. Armenia is constantly in war situation and is not insured against global catastrophe. Therefore, our university attaches importance to inform our population and students by the means of thematic lectures and events” – S. Harutyunyan pointed out.

Please note that the Chair organized large-scale training devoted to ES employee day last year.