Diana Galoyan Congratulated ASUE Students and Staff on New Year

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Dear students, respectable colleagues,

I wish to send you my warmest congratulations, the sincere words of my heart on this beautiful holiday.

On the eve of the New Year, we are full of optimism, new hopes that the coming year will be better, will be the year of the realization of our new dreams and goals. We believe and pass to the new year with firm faith. Both optimism about the future and  the summarizing report of the past  year are  important. We should evaluate the good and to be  able to say good-bye to the bad.

Dear students, respectable colleagues, we spent an important and difficult year together in which we were united to see how our University is becoming more advanced and successful. By joining forces, we can overcome difficulties, even implement complex initiatives, and I am confident that in the near future we will be able to maintain the same approach,  everyone fulfilling his/her duties and doing his/her best for the  benefit  of the University of Economics.

Once again I congratulate you on the New Year and Christmas, wishing 2020 to be a year of health, happiness, prosperity, fulfillment of all your cherished goals and desires for your families. Let the New Year's ringing of bells give you hope, optimism and a lot of success.

With  love