Reports of laboratories and branches, presentation of new scientific themes at the Scientific Board's regular session

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Scientific Board’s regular session was held today in the ASUE Session Hall, chaired by the ASUE Rector, Professor, Chairman of the Scientific Board Koryun Atoyan.
Yelena Manukyan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, director of “Social Research” Scientific-educational laboratories made a report on the current situation of the laboratory. The head of the laboratory also referred to future plans. Atom Margaryan, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, director of “Innovative and Institutional Research” also had a report. Atom Margaryan also touched upon the future plans of the SEL.
The issue of awarding scientific title of professor to Artsruni Torosyan, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Associate Professor of the chair of Theory of Economics and Ruben Hayrapetyan, Doctor of Sciences /Economics/, Associate Professor of the Chair of Management; title of Associate Professor to Sukias Avetisyan, Ph.D in Economics, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Economics, Deputy Director of ASUE Gyumri Branch and Liana Fidanyan, PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Statistics, was put to a secret ballot. Aram Sargsyan, Chairman of Competitive Committee, Professor, presented the candidates. The nominated candidates by the voting received the titles they applied, and the results of the closed voting were approved by an open voting.
The directors of ASUE, Gyumri and Yeghegnadzor branches also made reports. Scientific council took the reports into consideration and the implemented activities have been assessed sufficiently.
Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of Science and International Relations presented the issue of assuring applications of maintenance and development projects of fundamental financing infrastructure for scientific and technological activities which is aimed at the receipt of financing from the RA state budget in 2019.
Scientific Board approved a number of research works.
The reports presented at the Scientific Board will be available on the ASUE official website.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division