RIP Vardan Sargsyan

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We are deeply saddened to announce that Vardan Sargsyan, Head of the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, has passed away.

He has headed the Chair since 2011, and the working activity of an exceptional intellectual at the University of Economics began in 1988. He has held various managerial positions at ASUE, always showing the brilliant qualities of a scientist, pedagogue, administrator, colleague. In 2006-2011 Vardan Sargsyan was the Vice-Rector for ASUE Academic Affairs. The scientist-researcher was interested in information technologies, network economy, mathematical modeling of the economy, optimal resource management. He was a member of the American Society of Economists, the author of more than 70 scientific publications, including monographs, textbooks and scientific articles. He researched the network economy of the Republic of Armenia, the problems of development of technological potential, assessed the impact of science and education on the growth rate of the GDP of the Republic of Armenia, the prospects of the development of the sphere of the RA information  communication technologies and other aspects of economic informatics  and information systems. Vardan Sargsyan educated generations with energetic, innovative, always fresh ideas, took dozens of young researchers under his scientific auspices, made his irreplaceable contribution to the establishment of ASUE, as well as to the development of economic informatics in Armenia.

The loss is irreversible. We mourn the untimely death of the Professor, our condolences to the family and relatives.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division