Roundtable discussion at ASUE

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Towards the UN “17 sustainable development goals till 2030”, a roundtable discussion was held at the University of Economics entitled “Global misbalance and income inequality”. Students in their higher years of studies, postgraduates and representatives of the academic staff took part in the event. ASUE Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan held an opening speech on the above-mentioned program of the UN with the participation of ASUE postgraduates.

The postgraduate student of ASUE Chair of Economic Theory Alik Torosyan presented the “Influence of the fiscal policy on income inequality of population in the RA”, ASUE postgraduate of the Chair of Management Gor Harutyunyan spoke about “Changes in the labor market of Armenia in the context of Covid-19” and the postgraduate of the same chair Kristine Tatosyan presented “Evaluation of development potential of tourism and the socio-economic conditions of the provinces of Armenia”.

Based on the decision of the participants of the roundtable discussion, the reports of Kristine Tatosyan and Alik Torosyan were considered the best and will be presented at the international conference to be held on November 22-26 in Russia.