Round Table-discussion on EU Policy - Platform for the Exchange of Experience, New Knowledge and Ideas

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Today, an online round table-discussion consisting of 3 sessions took place within the frames of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “EU politics, policies and polity” (EUPPP) module implemented at ASUE under the "Erasmus +" program.

Representatives of RA state bodies, EU delegation, officials, as well as representatives of ASUE academic and administrative staff, other Universities, research institutes took part in the discussion, which lasted the whole working day and considered comprehensive issues related to the EU.

Karen Trchunyan, Deputy Minister of the RA Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Diana Galoyan, ASUE Rector, Jan Plesinger, Head of the Political, Press and Information Department of the EU Delegation, Lana Karlova, Head of Erasmus + National Office in Armenia, Albert Hayrapetyan, round table moderator, Assistant Professor at the Chair of International Economic Relations, senior researcher in AMBERD research center, made welcoming remarks.

Karen Trchunyan welcomed the participants and highlighted the event, noting that the University of Economics stands out for organizing significant events, which is commendable. He expressed hope that such initiatives would contribute to effective discussions.

Diana Galoyan thanked those present for participating in the round table-discussion, presented the recent international programs introduced at ASUE and informed that 3 courses are taught at ASUE within the framework of the Jean Monnet module, through which students get a comprehensive idea about the EU, gain knowledge on history, institutions, internal decision-making structures, features, etc.

Jan Plesinger's welcome speech was about to strengthen Armenia-EU relations. "The EU is ready to help Armenia to overcome the double shock – war and Covid-19”; he said and noted that due to the EU support, foreign markets will become more accessible for Armenia, investment attractiveness will be created, and the variety of goods exported from Armenia will be ensured. He also noted that Armenia is an important travel destination for Europeans and tourists would return to Armenia soon.

Lana Karlova welcomed the participants, emphasizing the importance of being aware of the EU's activity and values in the context of overcoming post-epidemic and war challenges.

Albert Hayrapetyan presented the peculiarities of teaching Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “EU politics, policies and polity” (EUPPP) module at ASUE, modern teaching approaches, current results.

Then the sessions started: " Armenia-EU Bilateral Trade. New Opportunities for Armenian Businessmen within the framework of Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Extended Partnership Agreement", Armenia in Search of Investments from the EU and EAEU” and “Comprehensive Analysis of Migration Processes”.

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