ASUE Scientific Board’s Session was Held

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Today, another session of ASUE Scientific Board was held headed by the Chair, acting Rector Diana Galoyan. Before proceeding to the agenda items, the Head of the University presented a number of current issues.

Then the acting Rector informed the members of the Scientific Board that the University's jubilee would be celebrated next year, the University's anniversary would be marked by numerous events, and an organizational committee should be formed to carry out the process. The members of the Scientific Board presented their representatives according to which the composition was formed.

Then Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan opened the session with full agenda issues.

The Chairman of the Competition Committee, Professor, Honorary Head of ASUE Chair Aram Sargsyan reported the issue of awarding the scientific title of Associate Professor.

President of SC Gor Melik-Sahakyan presented the financial report of the Student Council.

The Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs Tatul Mkrtchyan reported scientific issues.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division