Scientific Board Session was Held (photos)

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Today, regular session of ASUE Scientific Board was held headed by Diana Galoyan, ASUE acting Rector, Chair of the Scientific Board. Armen Grigoryan, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, reported the results of exams for the 2nd half of the 2018-2019 academic year, presenting the work done during the semester, main outcomes, as well as problems.

Armen Grigoryan also reported on the results of the “Defense of Master and Graduate Work”, “Admission for the 2019-2020 Academic Year” and “The Implementation of Educational Programs”.

Aram Sargsyan, the Chairman of the Competitive Committee, Professor, noted that the following candidates applied for academic titles: Armen Hakobyan -Professor, Anna Pakhlyan, Agassi Tavadyan and Narine Mirzoyan - Associate Professor. By a vote, the Scientific Board approved the results by which candidates' applications will be submitted to Higher Attestation Commission for approval.

Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs, reported on the publication of the scientific-popular magazine “Amberd Bulletin”, noting that it will be a publicly accessible magazine for the general public. It’s suggested by Davit Hakhverdyan, Director of AMBERD research center, and the first issue will be released in November.

Current issues were also touched upon.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division