At ASUE Scientific Council session: results of admission and exam sessions, election of heads of chairs, scholarships and regulations

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The Scientific Council session was full of discussions relating to different sectors of university functioning and dozens of other questions that was conducted by ASUE Rector, Chairman of the Scientific Council Diana Galoyan who also congratulated and wished effective functioning to the newly appointed members of the Scientific Council.

Grigor Nazaryan who was responsible for the functioning of ASUE admission commission has presented the results of 2022/2023 academic year admission which was the first item of the agenda. He meticulously presented the data and numbers of bachelor students that have entered the university and it complies with the development strategy of the university for 2018-2022.

Grigor Nazaryan also presented data on admission at ASUE Gyumri branch and Finance and Economy College and mentioned that the results were also satisfying. Rector Diana Galoyan expressed her gratitude to the admission commission and mentioned that this is the second year that ASUE has had advancement in admission processes.

Vice-rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan has presented the results of second term exam period for the 2021/2022 academic year and mentioned that computer-based and oral exams have been organized throughout the university that were in line with the requirements of regulations functioning at the university as well as deviations and failures were not recorded.

Afterwards, competition for awarding the titles of professors and associate professors and heads of Chairs was introduced by the Rector Diana Galoyan and Chairman of the competition commission, Doctor of Philosophy, Honorary Head of Chair Aram Sargsyan. Candidates competing for the position of head of chair have introduced programs for the strategic development of the chair.

The Scientific Council in secret ballot has elected heads of Chairs and awarded titles of professors and associate professors.

The session was finalized by the information presented by Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan about the dissertation topics and scientific supervisors as well as publication of textbooks that were all confirmed. For more detailed information about the session please see the ARMENIAN VERSION.