Solemn Ceremony of Signing Memorandum of Cooperation between Security Council Office of the Republic of Armenia and AMBERD Research Center of Armenian State University of Economics

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On December 13, 2018, solemn ceremony of signing Memorandum of Cooperation between Security Council Office of the Republic of Armenia and AMBERD Research Center of Armenian State University of Economics was held in Security Council Office. Armen Grigoryan, Secretary of Security Council, praised the establishment of operational ties between science and policy, at the same time expressing hope that the signing of the Memorandum of cooperation between the SC and AMBERD will contribute to effective cooperation between the parties in ensuring economic security.
Within the framework of the cooperation it is planned to use the research and expert potential of the Center for providing expert advice to the Office during discussions on various issues in the field of economic security and comprehensive analysis of the draft of strategic documents, development of policy recommendations, as well as provision of economic security in the expert community.
The information is submitted from the Security Council official Facebook page.