Knowledge Day at ASUE

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The Main University of Economics hosted about 1,100 freshmen this year, who will study in the six faculties of the University. Even the epidemic restrictions did not prevent the University to meet the freshmen solemnly.

The members of ASUE Student Council welcomed the freshmen at the gates of the University. The freshmen found the representatives of their faculties according to the colors of the T-shirts.

After greeting the students in the yard, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and the President of the University Student Council Gor Melik-Sahakyan walked around the faculties, welcoming the freshmen, congratulating them on the Knowledge Day and becoming a student of the University of Economics.

"Once again, I congratulate all of us on the knowledge day, I wish this new start to be the beginning of new achievements and accomplishments"; Diana Galoyan stated and added that significant changes in favor of students have been done at the University during the recent years.

"The University will give you many opportunities, both in terms of formal and non-formal education. Make use of those opportunities, get the best out of the University and study, study well, only that is the main requirement. You must graduate from University as a good specialist, because in the future, when you enter the labor market, you will be our face in the Armenian economy. I want to be proud of each of you in the future"; Diana Galoyan noted.

Read the whole news at the Armenian version.

Congratulations on SEPTEMBER 1!

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division