The Start of Paid Training Courses at ASUE

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Today, the first short-term paid training course conducted by our University launched at the Center for International Programs, Armenian State University of Economics, and 20 people both form ASUE and public and private sectors applied to participate. The attendees of "Training Course for HRM Specialists" training course held by Tadevos Avetisyan, specialist of labor legislation, PhD in Economics, legist, will be awarded certificates at the end of the course.

The kick off meeting was attended by Diana Galoyan, ASUE acting Rector, Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE Foreign Relations Department, Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division.

Welcoming the guests Aghavni Hakobyan presented the initiative, organizational details and expressed gratitude to the University Leadership for support.

Diana Galoyan welcoming the participants expressed hope that wide sections of the public would soon be interested in ASUE training courses, stressing that specialists without continuing education and training cannot be competitive and the only way is the lifelong education and development. Diana Galoyan thanked the organizers, as well as Tadevos Avetisyan highlighting his high professionalism.

Trainer Tadevos Avetisyan noted that it was a great honor for him to hold such a course at his native University, and promised that no questions concerning the topic would remain unanswered.

Let’s recall, the training course consists of 12 meetings, 2 hours per meeting. ASUE staff and students can participate in the training with 30% and alumni with 10% discount. The content of the training course is available here.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division