Student Sports Games Restarted: ASUE Student-athletes Participate in All Championships

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Student sports games have restarted after a long break. On September 20, the 21st Student Sports Games of the Republic of Armenia (open-air) have reopened, reuniting the student-athletes of Armenian Universities. The organizer is the RA Student Sports Federation with the funding of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport. talked to Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Head of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense, ASUE, Chair of the RA Student Sports Federation. “We have included new sports in the championships of games - beach volleyball, tug of war," the Head of Chair stated and added that a number of other events - from paintball, sport rock climbing, tekbol and 3x3 basketball to cybersport and the winter horse festival, will be held soon through efforts of the Federation.

Recently, the "University Sports Festival" event was launched with the participation of students from Armenia and Georgia, which includes educational seminars, online discussions, signing of memorandums, etc. On November 1, it will be concluded.

All sports matches are held open-air or online, following the anti-epidemic rules.

Note, 150 athletes from 10 Universities participate in the 21st Student Sports Games of the Republic of Armenia, ASUE students are involved in all championships.

The games will be summed up at the end of December. Good luck and we hope we’ll record our students’ achievements.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.

P.S. Photos - beach volleyball championship.