Summer school at Democritus University: ASUE graduates returned with new knowledge and experience

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On July 3-8, ASUE post-graduate students Kristine Tatosyan and Ani Arshakyan within the frames of the cooperation between the Armenian State University of Economics and Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) participated in the international summer school "Smart Business and Intelligence in the Transport, Tourism and Supply Chains", during which lectures, panel discussions, introduction and meetings, as well as cultural events were organized.

ASUE post-graduate students had meetings with Democritus University professors Dimitrios Dimitriou, Victoria Pistikou and Professor of the Greek School of Production Engineering and Management Konstantinos Tsagkarakis. The professor had constructive discussions with the participants about their interest of participating in the upcoming international conference as well.

According to ASUE post-graduate students, the summer school was rather effective, including current economic issues and united young scientists on the platform of productive discussions.