Symbolic event in the ASUE Chair of Statistics

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Last week a heartfelt event was organized at ASUE Chair of Statistics. Valeri Aleksanyan, Hakob Hakobyan and Arenik Kostandyan by the necessity of ensuring the smoothness of the generational change of the staff, passed to another stage of the activity. They will continue to convey their experience and skills to their students, middle and younger generation lecturers of the Chair.

Armen Ktoyan, the head of the chair noted that associate professors Aleksanyan, Hakobyan and Kostandyan's mission in the chair was far from being completed. He asked them to continue to participate actively in the life and activities of the chair as an expert and consultant. Associate professors V. Aleksanyan, H. Hakobyan and A. Kostandian were awarded appreciation letters by the ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan for their outstanding contribution to the establishment of the ASUE Chair of Statistics and the dedication of the scientist-lecturer. Staff of the chair expressed their words of gratitude and praise addressed to honorable lecturers.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division