T-GREEN Board Session within Work Package 4

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On July 11, a meeting of the Educational Program Development Council was held at ASUE within the framework of the 4th work package of the “Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” (T-GREEN)" project, coordinated by the ASUE management team, including Lusine Danielyan, Director of the External Relations Department, Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of the Fundraising Division, Anzhelika Musayelyan, Head of the International Relations Division, and Gohar Grigoryan, Chief Specialist of the International Relations Division.

The developed templates for educational programs and benchmarking were presented by the heads of the working groups: Samvel Karabekyan, Chief Advisor to the Rector of ASUE, and Ruben Markosyan, Vice-Rector of Eurasia International University.

The Educational Program Development Council approved the aforementioned formats, the deadline for the implementation of benchmarking, and the date of the next meeting.

“Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” (T-GREEN)" (Ref. nr.: 101083014 — T-GREEN — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE) Project funded by the European Union.

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