T-GREEN Project Management meeting held at ASUE

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On May 24, 2024, the project management meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” was held at the Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE).

The results of Work Package (WP) 2 "Development of National Documents for ESD" and WP3 "Development of Institutional Regulations and Toolkit for Credit Recognition and Double Degrees", along with related problems were presented.

During the meeting the management of the WP4 "Development/Reprofiling and Piloting of Green MA Degrees" was discussed, of which ASUE is the lead beneficiary. Additionally, the communication and accountability procedures of WP4 were discussed.

“Transforming Graduate Education for Green and Sustainable Future” (T-GREEN)" (Ref. nr.: 101083014 — T-GREEN — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE) project is funded by the European Union․

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